Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Me Likey

Last night was really nice. I came home from work, went for a walk with Jen and Abby, sat down to a delicious dinner care of Jen (she made FRESH BUNS, people!! I am not letting her leave!!), then watched some Arrested Development, baked some whipped shortbread, chatted with Jen, then crawled into my warm bed. I LOVE having time to do those little luxurious things. You know, eating and sleeping and stuff like that.
Now that the Christmas play is over, I feel like my free time is endless. I am still working full time and the Christmas season will not fail to be a busy one, but a much more maintainable pace has been established now and I'm loving it.
Now I can focus on enjoying the days and not just trying to get through them. I can't wait to put up our Christmas tree, bake more goodies, wrap presents, have hot chocolate, and go for more strolls in the brisk air.
I am so glad that I was able to be part of the Christmas musical, and I wouldn't trade those memories, but I am happy it's done too. Kind of like running a marathon (I've never done it)...while you're in the midst of pouding out those grueling 26 miles you're probably not thinking, "gee, this is fun" but when you cross that finish line and all your hard work has paid off, you feel so pleased. That's how I feel right now.
Maybe I should think about running a marathon, though. The shortbread is getting to me.
And did I mention the FRESH BUNS?
Oh my.

Amanda Brown at 10:34 AM



at 10:55 AM Blogger Sarah said...

I heard the play was incredible! Congratulations on a job well done! My dad said he had lots of fun being a mobster :) a dream come true for him!


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