Friday, December 02, 2005


Life is dandy. Opening night of the musical was a smash hit! The church was packed and the audience was great! They laughed, they applauded, they didn't throw rotten tomatoes. The play went off with only a few minor hitches that most people didn't even notice, and I was so encouraged by the excitement backstage. I remember why I love acting so much. All of the hours and hours are always worth it when you hit the stage.
Then when we got home, Jen and Jordan were there! I am so happy that they're staying with us. Abby woke up early this morning and was an absolute doll and she let Rolo give her some wet, slobbery kisses. Jordan already had his first job interview today, too! I am so happy that they took the plunge and make the trek to Summerland to start this next chapter of their lives. Yay for the Dalsins!
I'll be posting some more pictures of the crazy backstage life of amateur actors from the church musical soon. Until then...

Amanda Brown at 10:28 AM



at 11:23 AM Blogger Stephanie and Brad said...

YAY!I was so happy to hear that it went so well last night. I was thinking of you guys. I can't wait to come home tomorrow and see it!

at 1:43 PM Blogger Heidi said...

You guys all did awesome. The acting,music and everything was great. I may even watch it again Sunday afternoon because Delaney and Avery are both singing! You looked like you were having fun!

at 8:24 PM Blogger Angella said...

We're really looking forward to watching it tomorrow!

at 6:41 PM Blogger Christy and Dustin said...

You forgot to mention how hot you looked! And how you get to dance provocatively with an empty men's jacket


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