Friday, December 09, 2005

Licked Clean

Last night I was really sleepy. Jen and Jordan had already headed to bed, and Steve was out in the shop. I was trying my darnest to stay awake to catch the second-last episode of the Apprentice (before you scoff at my viewing choice you should be aware of the fact that we only have TWO channels. It's a sad world, I know), but as the clock ticked past 9:30, then 9:40, my eyes were getting droopier and I decided to go to bed. Will the new apprentice be Randall or Whatshername? I didn't care. I just needed to crawl under th covers and crash. I didn't bother to turn out the lights in the living room, or brush my teeth (before you shake your head in disgust at my lack of personal hygiene, you should be aware that we only have TWO channels. I know that has nothing to do with the fact that I woke up with fuzzy gums. Owell) or put away the big tupperware container full of cookies that had been out on the ottoman.
I had a long and hard sleep, then when I woke up this morning and stumbled into the living room I noticed that the tupperware container that had been full of cookies was now on the ground, empty, and licked clean. Not a crumb in sight.
I asked Steve if he had put the cookies somewhere, and he said no. Then I saw Rolo, with his ears down and tail wagging, what he does when he knows he's been a naughty litte hound. Rolo polished off a good 2 dozen cookies! In a single sitting! Bad dog!
I didn't discipline him, though. I was empathetic. He just made a little mistake and fell to temptation's call and swallowed 24 cookies.
I made the same mistake the other day.
It was for the baby, though.

Amanda Brown at 10:10 AM



at 11:01 AM Blogger Stephanie and Brad said...

poor dog..I bet his system isn't going to like that too much. Probably better though than when Magoo ate our dish of butter that we had left out. Sick. talk about explosive. Probably a little more than you wanted to know huh?

at 11:48 AM Blogger karen said...

I think I've done that before too, but it was a combination of cookie dough (probably a dozen cookies' worth), then snacking on the baked goods. No one else to blame though (unfortunately), just me. No dog, no baby.

at 11:51 AM Blogger Angella said...

I, too, love the dough. As well as the finished product. Can't blame Rolo. But if he's going to explode, maybe practice your diapering skills?

at 1:02 PM Blogger Jen said...

If I would have known that he was going to inhale them all, I would have definitely had a few more before bed. I was trying to make sure there was enough to last us a few days. ;)

at 1:54 PM Blogger Christy and Dustin said...

Oh Rolo! A do after our own hearts isn't he? Now if only I could stay as skinny after eating so much! But I suppose if I spent my days chasing and eating marmots, i'd be slim and trim too. Maybe I should look into that....

at 3:11 PM Blogger Mama Bear said...

*gasp* i can't believe you didn't brush your teeth.

but i guess seeing as you only have 2 channels, we'll let it go this time.

at 4:21 PM Blogger Isabella said...

How hilarious, I love that dogs have a conscience. I guess that 60 lbs may be a factor after all, lol, just kidding. You'll be glowing hot preggo momma.


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