Saturday, November 05, 2005

We'll Be Sharing a Kitchen Again Soon

As you have probably already heard, or read in Jen's blog, the Dalsins are moving to Summerland!!! They are going to be staying at our place until they find one of their own to settle in, and I am most excited about these welcome guests. Jen and Jordan and their sweet baby girl, Abby, are some of the greatest people you will ever meet, and I know they are going to fit in beautifully here.
Through Jen's great blog, all of my girl friends here in Summerland already feel like they know her, and are thrilled to meet her in the flesh.
We can't wait for you to come, Jen and Jordan and Abby!

Amanda Brown at 10:38 AM



at 11:47 AM Blogger Jen said...

Great picture! lol! We are really really really excited to come. This is a huge step of faith for us but we know it will turn out just fine. Thanks again for giving us this opportunity. We are SO thankful. :) :)


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