Wednesday, May 03, 2006
Not So Little
- at 9:51 AM Jen said...
Happy Birthday Steve! I hope you get to eat something great fo dinner ... like a hamburger maybe. ;)
- at 11:08 AM Kaili said...
Happy Birthday to your brother!!
Is that a picture of YOU in the background of that pic.? Nice!- at 12:15 PM Angella said...
He sure looks as kooky as you are :)
Hope he has a great day!- at 5:51 PM geeksters said...
When did Steve grow up? Crazy what happens when you don't see a person for quite a few years!
- at 8:21 PM Susie said...
You and your brother look so much alike. Hope he has a great b-day. PS: You are a hottie in the pic!
- at 12:14 AM Amanda Franks said...
Did you pay your brother to pose by the picture of you there? Just kidding. Isn't it weird that our brothers are so old? Will was just telling me about a bar he was at and I was thinking "you're too young to be in a bar", but no, no they aren't. Crazy